I will tell you the whole story.
March 5, 2010 was the first night I met jamesepoop.
I met him that Thursday because he attended the weekly FedEx Fight Night casual.
He brought his Dual Modded HRAP 3 with Astro City art.
I asked him when he did the Dual Mod, and he told me January.
I asked him when he learned how to solder, and he told me January.
July 2010, I did a Dual Mod for EasierToRun09.
Something happened, and the PCB died.
I replaced his with mine; that died.
So, having two PCB die, I tell EasierToRun09 that I don't want to work on it anymore.
I tell him I will go and buy a new TE PCB for him.
And I recommend him to jamesepoop.
I asked jamesepoop that night if I can buy a TE PCB from him.
Because I saw in his Sale Thread that he has.
I talk to EasierToRun09, and he tells me he found someone who would do cheaper.
I go to meet jamesepoop to pick up the PCB, and tell him why I need the PCB.
I called EasierToRun09 to tell him that I now have the PCB.
Suddenly, EasierToRun09 calls jamesepoop.
Turns out the guy doing cheaper is James!
So since jamesepoop will be the one Dual Mod, I didn't take the PCB.
When EasierToRun09 got the TE I worked on, he gave to jamesepoop.
When jamesepoop opened the TE, he was so surprised at how super clean my wiring is.
The style of wiring is known as the JDM Super God Wiring; Nerrage came up with.
And we charge extra for it.
In August, James asked me if I want to join with him to do Service for Southern California.
So then became James&James SoCal Modding.
Our first Tournament Modding was SoCal Regionals in November.
Our second Tournament Modding was West Coast Warzone in January 2011, with Gummowned from Virginia.
February, jamesepoop moved to Korea. 
April 3, 2011 I did the Fight For Relief, Tournament to raise money for Japan.
I donated 100% of my money from Dual Mod.
I exhausted all my supplies.
Had to decline people.
June 8, 2011 is my Birthday.
laugh is here in CA already.
June 10-12, 2011 I will ReveLAtions.
Doing mods alone with no James. 
Now you all know that laugh is coming to ReveLAtions.
Wouldn't it be funny if I come wearing this?
People would be confused?
And what if I let him borrow this?
And now to this.
I don't have a job.
I just do this because I like it.
I do super clean work because I want to show.
People consider J&J SoCal Modding as creating art